import pytest from fxa.crypto import derive_key, quick_stretch_password from fxa.errors import ClientError from api import * @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [ { 'email': "", 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32 }, { 'email': "test0@test", 'oldAuthPW': '00' }, { 'email': "test0@test", 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32, 'extra': 0 }, ]) def test_change_start_invalid(account, args): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/change/start", args) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 107, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'invalid parameter in request body' } def test_change_start_badaccount(account): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/change/start", { 'email': "test0@test", 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32 }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 102, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'unknown account' } with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/change/start", { 'email':, 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32 }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 120, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'incorrect email case' } def test_change_start_unverified(unverified_account): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: unverified_account.post_a("/password/change/start", { 'email':, 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32 }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 104, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'unverified account' } def test_change_start_badpw(account): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/change/start", { 'email':, 'oldAuthPW': '00' * 32 }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 103, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'incorrect password' } @pytest.fixture def change_token(account): pw = auth_pw(, "") resp = account.post_a("/password/change/start", { 'email':, 'oldAuthPW': pw }) assert 'keyFetchToken' in resp return PasswordChange(account.client, resp['passwordChangeToken']) @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [ { 'authPW': '00', 'wrapKb': '00' * 32, 'sessionToken': '00' * 32, }, { 'authPW': '00' * 32, 'wrapKb': '00', 'sessionToken': '00' * 32, }, { 'authPW': '00' * 32, 'wrapKb': '00' * 32, 'sessionToken': '00', }, ]) def test_change_finish_invalid(change_token, args): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: change_token.post_a("/password/change/finish", args) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 107, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'invalid parameter in request body' } def test_change_finish(account, change_token, mail_server): pw = auth_pw(, "new") change_token.post_a("/password/change/finish", { 'authPW': pw, 'wrapKb': '00' * 32, }) account.password = "new" # for fixture teardown (to, body) = mail_server.wait() assert in to assert 'password has been changed' in body # just do a login test to see that the password was really changed account.login(, "new") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.login(, "") assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 103, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'incorrect password' } def test_change_finish_twice(account, change_token, mail_server): pw = auth_pw(, "new") change_token.post_a("/password/change/finish", { 'authPW': pw, 'wrapKb': '00' * 32, }) account.password = "new" # for fixture teardown with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: change_token.post_a("/password/change/finish", { 'authPW': pw, 'wrapKb': '00' * 32, }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 401, 'errno': 109, 'error': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'invalid request signature' } @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [ { 'email': "" }, { 'email': "test0@test", 'extra': 0 }, ]) def test_forgot_start_invalid(account, args): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/forgot/send_code", args) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 107, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'invalid parameter in request body' } def test_change_forgot_badaccount(account): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/forgot/send_code", { 'email': "test0@test" }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 102, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'unknown account' } with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: account.post_a("/password/forgot/send_code", { 'email': }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 120, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'incorrect email case' } def test_change_forgot_unverified(unverified_account): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: unverified_account.post_a("/password/forgot/send_code", { 'email': }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 104, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'unverified account' } @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [ { 'code': '', 'extra': 0, }, ]) def test_forgot_finish_invalid(change_token, args): with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: change_token.post_a("/password/forgot/send_code", args) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 107, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'invalid parameter in request body' } def test_forgot_finish_badcode(account, forgot_token, mail_server): (to, body) = mail_server.wait() assert in to with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: resp = forgot_token.post_a("/password/forgot/verify_code", { 'code': '' }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 400, 'errno': 105, 'error': 'Bad Request', 'message': 'invalid verification code' } def test_forgot_finish(account, forgot_token, mail_server): (to, body) = mail_server.wait() assert in to resp = forgot_token.post_a("/password/forgot/verify_code", { 'code': body.strip() }) assert 'accountResetToken' in resp def test_forgot_finish_twice(account, forgot_token, mail_server): (to, body) = mail_server.wait() forgot_token.post_a("/password/forgot/verify_code", { 'code': body.strip() }) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e: forgot_token.post_a("/password/forgot/verify_code", { 'code': body.strip() }) assert e.value.details == { 'code': 401, 'errno': 109, 'error': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'invalid request signature' }