use crate::crypto::SecretBytes; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use password_hash::{rand_core::OsRng, Output, SaltString}; use rand::RngCore; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::Value; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use sqlx::{ postgres::{PgArgumentBuffer, PgTypeInfo, PgValueRef}, Decode, Encode, Postgres, Type, }; use std::{ collections::HashMap, fmt::{Debug, Display}, ops::Deref, str::FromStr, }; use self::oauth::ScopeSet; pub(crate) mod oauth; macro_rules! array_type { ( $( #[ $attr:meta ] )* $name:ident($inner:ty) as $sql_name:ident { $( $body:tt )* } ) => { $( #[ $attr ] )* pub(crate) struct $name(pub(crate) $inner); impl $name { $( $body )* } impl Type for $name { fn type_info() -> PgTypeInfo { PgTypeInfo::with_name(stringify!($sql_name)) } } impl Encode<'_, Postgres> for $name { fn encode_by_ref(&self, buf: &mut PgArgumentBuffer) -> sqlx::encode::IsNull { let raw = self.0.iter().map(Self::encode_elem).collect::>(); Encode::<'_, Postgres>::encode_by_ref(&raw, buf) } } impl Decode<'_, Postgres> for $name { fn decode(value: PgValueRef) -> Result { Ok(Self::decode_elems(Decode::<'_, Postgres>::decode(value)?)?) } } } } macro_rules! bytea_types { () => {}; ( #[simple_array] struct $name:ident($inner:ty) as $sql_name:ident; $( $rest:tt )* ) => { bytea_types!{ #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(try_from = "String", into = "String")] struct $name($inner) as $sql_name { fn decode(v) -> _ { &v.0[..] } fn encode(v) -> _ { v } } impl FromStr for $name {} impl ToString for $name {} impl Debug for $name {} $( $rest )* } }; ( $( #[ $attr:meta ] )* struct $name:ident($inner:ty) as $sql_name:ident { $( fn arbitrary($a:ident) -> _ { $ae:expr } )? fn decode($d:ident) -> _ { $de:expr } fn encode($e:ident) -> _ { $ee:expr } $( $impls:tt )* } $( $rest:tt )* ) => { $( #[ $attr ] )* pub(crate) struct $name(pub(crate) $inner); impl $name { $( $impls )* } impl Type for $name { fn type_info() -> PgTypeInfo { PgTypeInfo::with_name(stringify!($sql_name)) } } impl Encode<'_, Postgres> for $name { fn encode_by_ref(&self, buf: &mut PgArgumentBuffer) -> sqlx::encode::IsNull { let $d = self; <&[u8] as Encode<'_, Postgres>>::encode_by_ref(&$de, buf) } } impl Decode<'_, Postgres> for $name { fn decode(value: PgValueRef) -> Result { let $e = <&[u8] as Decode<'_, Postgres>>::decode(value)?.try_into()?; Ok($name($ee)) } } bytea_types!{ $( $rest )* } }; ( impl ToString for $name:ident {} $( $rest:tt )* ) => { impl Display for $name { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { f.write_str(&hex::encode(&self.0)) } } impl From<$name> for String { fn from(s: $name) -> String { format!("{}", s) } } bytea_types!{ $( $rest )* } }; ( impl Debug for $name:ident {} $( $rest:tt )* ) => { impl Debug for $name { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple(stringify!($name)).field(&self.to_string()).finish() } } bytea_types!{ $( $rest )* } }; ( impl FromStr for $name:ident {} $( $rest:tt )* ) => { impl FromStr for $name { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self(hex::decode(s)?.as_slice().try_into()?)) } } impl TryFrom for $name { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(s: String) -> Result { s.parse() } } bytea_types!{ $( $rest )* } } } // // // bytea_types! { #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct HawkKey(SecretBytes<32>) as hawk_key { fn arbitrary(a) -> _ { SecretBytes(a) } fn decode(v) -> _ { v.0.0.as_ref() } fn encode(v) -> _ { SecretBytes(v) } } #[simple_array] struct SessionID([u8; 32]) as session_id; #[simple_array] struct DeviceID([u8; 16]) as device_id; #[simple_array] struct UserID([u8; 16]) as user_id; #[simple_array] struct KeyFetchID([u8; 32]) as key_fetch_id; #[simple_array] struct OauthTokenID([u8; 32]) as oauth_token_id; #[simple_array] struct OauthAuthorizationID([u8; 32]) as oauth_auth_id; #[simple_array] struct PasswordChangeID([u8; 32]) as password_change_id; #[simple_array] struct AccountResetID([u8; 32]) as account_reset_id; #[simple_array] struct AvatarID([u8; 16]) as avatar_id; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct SecretKey(SecretBytes<32>) as secret_key { fn arbitrary(a) -> _ { SecretBytes(a) } fn decode(v) -> _ { v.0.0.as_ref() } fn encode(v) -> _ { SecretBytes(v) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct VerifyHash(Output) as verify_hash { fn arbitrary(a) -> _ { Output::new(<[u8; 32]>::as_ref(&a)).unwrap() } fn decode(v) -> _ { v.0.as_ref() } fn encode(v) -> _ { v } } } impl DeviceID { pub fn random() -> Self { let mut result = Self([0; 16]); OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut result.0); result } } impl UserID { pub fn random() -> Self { let mut result = Self([0; 16]); OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut result.0); result } } impl OauthAuthorizationID { pub fn random() -> Self { let mut result = Self([0; 32]); OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut result.0); result } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(try_from = "String", into = "String")] pub(crate) struct OauthToken([u8; 32]); impl OauthToken { pub fn random() -> Self { let mut result = Self([0; 32]); OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut result.0); result } pub fn hash(&self) -> OauthTokenID { let mut sha = Sha256::new(); sha.update(&self.0); OauthTokenID(*sha.finalize().as_ref()) } } bytea_types! { impl Debug for OauthToken {} impl FromStr for OauthToken {} impl ToString for OauthToken {} } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "oauth_access_type", rename_all = "lowercase")] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum OauthAccessType { Online, Offline, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct UserSession { pub(crate) uid: UserID, pub(crate) req_hmac_key: HawkKey, pub(crate) device_id: Option, pub(crate) created_at: DateTime, pub(crate) verified: bool, pub(crate) verify_code: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct DeviceCommand { pub(crate) index: i64, pub(crate) command: String, pub(crate) payload: Value, #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) expires: DateTime, // NOTE this is a device ID, but we don't link it to the actual sender device // because removing a device would also remove its queued commands. this mirrors // what fxa does. pub(crate) sender: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, sqlx::Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "device_push_info")] pub(crate) struct DevicePush { pub(crate) callback: String, pub(crate) public_key: String, pub(crate) auth_key: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, sqlx::Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "device_command")] struct DeviceCommandsEntry { name: String, body: String, } array_type! { #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] DeviceCommands(HashMap) as _device_command { fn encode_elem(e: (&String, &String)) -> DeviceCommandsEntry { DeviceCommandsEntry { name: e.0.clone(), body: e.1.clone() } } fn decode_elems(e: Vec) -> anyhow::Result { Ok(Self(e.into_iter().map(|e| (, e.body)).collect())) } pub(crate) fn into_map(self) -> HashMap { self.0 } } } impl Deref for DeviceCommands { type Target = HashMap; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Device { pub(crate) device_id: DeviceID, // taken from session, otherwise UNIX_EPOCH pub(crate) last_active: DateTime, pub(crate) name: String, pub(crate) type_: String, pub(crate) push: Option, pub(crate) available_commands: DeviceCommands, pub(crate) push_expired: bool, // actually a str->str map, but we treat it as opaque for simplicity. // writing a HashMap to the db through sqlx is an immense pain, // and we don't care about the value anyway—it only has to exist for fenix. pub(crate) location: Value, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct DeviceUpdate<'a> { pub(crate) name: Option<&'a str>, pub(crate) type_: Option<&'a str>, pub(crate) push: Option, pub(crate) available_commands: Option, pub(crate) location: Option, } #[derive(Debug, sqlx::Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "oauth_token_kind", rename_all = "lowercase")] pub(crate) enum OauthTokenKind { Access, Refresh, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct OauthAccessToken { pub(crate) user_id: UserID, pub(crate) client_id: String, pub(crate) scope: ScopeSet, pub(crate) parent_refresh: Option, pub(crate) parent_session: Option, pub(crate) expires_at: DateTime, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct OauthRefreshToken { pub(crate) user_id: UserID, pub(crate) client_id: String, pub(crate) scope: ScopeSet, pub(crate) session_id: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct OauthAuthorization { pub(crate) user_id: UserID, pub(crate) client_id: String, pub(crate) scope: ScopeSet, pub(crate) access_type: OauthAccessType, pub(crate) code_challenge: String, pub(crate) keys_jwe: Option, pub(crate) auth_at: DateTime, } #[derive(Debug)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub(crate) struct User { pub(crate) auth_salt: SaltString, pub(crate) email: String, pub(crate) display_name: Option, pub(crate) ka: SecretKey, pub(crate) wrapwrap_kb: SecretKey, pub(crate) verify_hash: VerifyHash, pub(crate) verified: bool, } // MISSING user secondary email addresses #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Avatar { pub(crate) id: AvatarID, pub(crate) data: Vec, pub(crate) content_type: String, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct AttachedClient { pub(crate) client_id: Option, pub(crate) device_id: Option, pub(crate) session_token_id: Option, pub(crate) refresh_token_id: Option, pub(crate) device_type: Option, pub(crate) name: Option, pub(crate) created_time: Option>, pub(crate) last_access_time: Option>, pub(crate) scope: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct VerifyCode { #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) user_id: UserID, pub(crate) session_id: Option, #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) code: String, }