use anyhow::Result; use rocket::http::uri::Absolute; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fs::File, io::Read, path::Path}; use serde::Serialize; use web_push::{ ContentEncoding, SubscriptionInfo, VapidSignatureBuilder, WebPushClient, WebPushMessageBuilder, }; use crate::db::DbConn; use crate::types::{Device, DeviceID, DevicePush, UserID}; pub(crate) struct PushClient { key: Box<[u8]>, client: WebPushClient, subject: String, base_uri: Absolute<'static>, default_ttl: Duration, } impl PushClient { pub(crate) fn new>( key: P, subject: &str, base_uri: Absolute<'static>, default_ttl: Duration, ) -> Result { let mut key_bytes = vec![]; File::open(key).and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_end(&mut key_bytes))?; Ok(PushClient { key: key_bytes.into_boxed_slice(), client: WebPushClient::new()?, subject: subject.to_string(), base_uri, default_ttl, }) } async fn push_raw(&self, to: &DevicePush, ttl: Duration, data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()> { let sub = SubscriptionInfo::new(&to.callback, &to.public_key, &to.auth_key); let mut sig = VapidSignatureBuilder::from_pem(&*self.key, &sub)?; // mozilla requires {aud,exp,sub} or message will get a 401 unauthorized. // {aud,exp} are added automatically sig.add_claim("sub", self.subject.as_str()); let mut builder = WebPushMessageBuilder::new(&sub)?; if let Some(data) = data { builder.set_payload(ContentEncoding::Aes128Gcm, data); } builder.set_vapid_signature(; builder.set_ttl(ttl.as_secs().min(u32::MAX as u64) as u32); Ok(self.client.send( } async fn push_one( &self, context: &str, db: Option<&DbConn>, to: &Device, ttl: Duration, data: Option<&[u8]>, ) -> Result<()> { match (to.push_expired, to.push.as_ref()) { (false, Some(ep)) => match self.push_raw(ep, ttl, data).await { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(e) => { warn!("{} push to {} failed: {}", context, &to.device_id, e); if let Some(db) = db { if let Err(e) = db.set_push_expired(&to.device_id).await { warn!("failed to set {} push_endpoint_expired: {}", &to.device_id, e); } } Err(e) }, }, (_, None) => Err(anyhow!("no push callback")), (true, _) => Err(anyhow!("push endpoint expired")), } } async fn push_all( &self, context: &str, db: Option<&DbConn>, to: &[Device], ttl: Duration, msg: impl Serialize, ) { let msg = serde_json::to_vec(&msg).expect("push message serialization failed"); for dev in to { // ignore errors here, except by logging them. we can't notify the client // about anything and failing isn't an option either. let _ = self.push_one(context, db, dev, ttl, Some(&msg)).await; } } pub(crate) async fn command_received( &self, db: &DbConn, to: &Device, command: &str, index: i64, sender: &Option, ) -> Result<()> { let url = format!("{}/auth/v1/account/device/commands?index={}&limit=1", self.base_uri, index); let msg = json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:command_received", "data": { "command": command, "index": index, "sender": sender, "url": url, }, }); let msg = serde_json::to_vec(&msg)?; self.push_one("command_received", Some(db), to, self.default_ttl, Some(&msg)).await } pub(crate) async fn device_connected(&self, db: &DbConn, to: &[Device], name: &str) { let msg = json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:device_connected", "data": { "deviceName": name, }, }); self.push_all("device_connected", Some(db), to, self.default_ttl, &msg).await; } pub(crate) async fn device_disconnected(&self, db: &DbConn, to: &[Device], id: &DeviceID) { let msg = json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:device_disconnected", "data": { "id": id, }, }); self.push_all("device_disconnected", Some(db), to, self.default_ttl, &msg).await; } pub(crate) async fn profile_updated(&self, db: &DbConn, to: &[Device]) { let msg = json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:profile_updated", }); self.push_all("profile_updated", Some(db), to, self.default_ttl, &msg).await; } pub(crate) async fn account_verified(&self, db: &DbConn, to: &[Device]) { for dev in to { // ignore errors here, except by logging them. we can't notify the client // about anything and failing isn't an option either. let _ = self.push_one("account_verified", Some(db), dev, Duration::ZERO, None).await; } } pub(crate) async fn account_destroyed(&self, to: &[Device], uid: &UserID) { let msg = json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:account_destroyed", "data": { "uid": uid, }, }); self.push_all("account_destroyed", None, to, self.default_ttl, &msg).await; } pub(crate) async fn password_reset(&self, to: &[Device]) { let msg = serde_json::to_vec(&json!({ "version": 1u32, "command": "fxaccounts:password_reset", })) .expect("serde failed"); for dev in to { // ignore errors here, except by logging them. we can't notify the client // about anything and failing isn't an option either. let _ = self.push_one("password_reset", None, dev, self.default_ttl, Some(&msg)).await; // NOTE password_reset alone doesn't seem to do much, se we also disconnect // each device explicitly. let msg = serde_json::to_vec(&json!({ "version": 1, "command": "fxaccounts:device_disconnected", "data": { "id": dev.device_id, }, })) .expect("serde failed"); let _ = self.push_one("password_reset", None, dev, self.default_ttl, Some(&msg)).await; } } pub(crate) async fn push_any(&self, db: &DbConn, to: &[Device], ttl: Duration, payload: Value) { self.push_all("push_any", Some(db), to, ttl, &payload).await; } }