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\"available_commands!: DeviceCommands\",\n push_expired as \"push_expired!\", location as \"location!\",\n coalesce(last_active, to_timestamp(0)) as \"last_active!\"\n from insert_or_update_device($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) as iud\n left join user_session using (device_id)" }, "6490a0bfec6cf91bb4a0c507456be07fbbc7b742c0327cd4f912ef70e9d2394a": { "describe": { "columns": [], "nullable": [], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Text", "Timestamptz" ] } }, "query": "insert into invite_codes (code, expires_at) values ($1, $2)" }, "67ebf7c646aa2e33dea84cea3c7af4a75b5e89509effd96d671112d4b7473d70": { "describe": { "columns": [], "nullable": [], "parameters": { "Left": [ { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "user_id" } }, { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "session_id" } }, "Text" ] } }, "query": "insert into verify_codes (user_id, session_id, code)\n values ($1, $2, $3)" }, "6e51008763091f55a4bc6db5ad719814430d3e910a67e1387ccda35547903a6c": { "describe": { "columns": 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null) = $2\n returning hmac_key as \"hmac_key: HawkKey\", user_id as \"user_id: UserID\",\n forgot_code" }, "86eb609c6a307fac53b3bf7d673683b1a69a695eb02a6832cc5efc982abb3fa9": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "index", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Int8" } ], "nullable": [ false ], "parameters": { "Left": [ { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "device_id" } }, "Text", "Json", "Timestamptz", "Varchar" ] } }, "query": "insert into device_commands (device_id, command, payload, expires, sender)\n values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)\n returning index" }, "8b838aca5cdd674e44fed8f8c4bca06e0534c48d66c1c8a11b0f13ae67c4dc06": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "device_id: DeviceID", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Bytea" }, { "name": "name", "ordinal": 1, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "type_", "ordinal": 2, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "push: DevicePush", "ordinal": 3, "type_info": { "Custom": { "kind": { "Composite": [ [ "callback", "Text" ], [ "public_key", "Text" ], [ 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created_at, verified, verify_code" }, "9842eb82258490f84375f203e6bfb34127e6389b8f82c18a7be80eb20ed87cf3": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "id: AvatarID", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Bytea" } ], "nullable": [ false ], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Bytea" ] } }, "query": "select id as \"id: AvatarID\" from user_avatars where user_id = $1" }, "a68e2238885dba26b94ddc0534c84dd3a992c338f58ab33ef31cac5c8538dfd3": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "user_id: UserID", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Bytea" }, { "name": "client_id", "ordinal": 1, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "scope: ScopeSet", "ordinal": 2, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "access_type: OauthAccessType", "ordinal": 3, "type_info": { "Custom": { "kind": { "Enum": [ "online", "offline" ] }, "name": "oauth_access_type" } } }, { "name": "code_challenge", "ordinal": 4, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "keys_jwe", "ordinal": 5, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "auth_at", "ordinal": 6, "type_info": "Timestamptz" } ], "nullable": [ false, false, false, false, false, true, false ], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Bytea" ] } }, "query": "delete from oauth_authorization\n where id = $1 and expires_at > now()\n returning user_id as \"user_id: UserID\", client_id, scope as \"scope: ScopeSet\",\n access_type as \"access_type: OauthAccessType\",\n code_challenge, keys_jwe, auth_at" }, "ad00d5caef2f8078846c751bec410e0e2a2083f9de1ab7ede6505eca754fd145": { "describe": { "columns": [], "nullable": [], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Bytea" ] } }, "query": "delete from oauth_token where id = $1 and kind = 'refresh'" }, "b272e9b3f4f75818993bdb73301eb117422870ec28c36e9174eab7963dcc037b": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "device_id: DeviceID", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Bytea" }, { "name": "name", "ordinal": 1, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "type_", "ordinal": 2, "type_info": "Text" }, { "name": "push: DevicePush", "ordinal": 3, "type_info": { "Custom": { "kind": { "Composite": [ [ "callback", "Text" ], [ "public_key", "Text" ], [ "auth_key", "Text" ] ] }, "name": "device_push_info" } } }, { "name": "available_commands: DeviceCommands", "ordinal": 4, "type_info": { "Custom": { "kind": { "Array": { "Custom": { "kind": { "Composite": [ [ "name", "Text" ], [ "body", "Text" ] ] }, "name": "device_command" } } }, "name": "_device_command" } } }, { "name": "push_expired", "ordinal": 5, "type_info": "Bool" }, { "name": "location", "ordinal": 6, "type_info": "Jsonb" }, { "name": "last_active!", "ordinal": 7, "type_info": "Timestamptz" } ], "nullable": [ false, false, false, true, false, false, false, null ], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Bytea", "Bytea" ] } }, "query": "select d.device_id as \"device_id: DeviceID\", d.name, d.type as type_,\n d.push as \"push: DevicePush\",\n d.available_commands as \"available_commands: DeviceCommands\",\n d.push_expired, d.location, coalesce(us.last_active, to_timestamp(0)) as \"last_active!\"\n from device d left join user_session us using (device_id)\n where d.user_id = $1 and d.device_id = $2" }, "b77775fe6421918088a2ef58b1fef5fd49341b0a614a083c9d0149939a515448": { "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "?column?", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Int4" } ], "nullable": [ null ], "parameters": { "Left": [ "Text" ] } }, "query": "select 1 from users where email = lower($1)" }, "bac51521196d267e983f2118939d59a3f992b1180ddeba257eab5fc3cfc4382b": { "describe": { "columns": [], "nullable": [], "parameters": { "Left": [ { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "password_change_id" } }, { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "user_id" } }, { "Custom": { "kind": { "Domain": "Bytea" }, "name": "hawk_key" } }, "Text" ] } }, "query": "insert into password_change_tokens (id, user_id, hmac_key, forgot_code)\n values ($1, $2, $3, $4)\n on conflict (user_id) do update set id = $1, hmac_key = $3, forgot_code = $4,\n expires_at = default" }, "c032ea41fcf2c4ac42c0fa14f1ef88a8589306888b8853b1c3aa3195b1db2f24": { "describe": { "columns": [ 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