path: root/src/
diff options
authorpennae <>2022-05-28 15:14:52 +0200
committerpennae <>2022-06-01 01:45:18 +0200
commit50068653801991e67487f1b555b83f9232a3bd48 (patch)
tree229f7427e4cadbe3e9fbdee3c07a622fa59fb54b /src/
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e499be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use anyhow::{bail, Result};
+use chrono::Duration;
+use graphql_client::{reqwest::post_graphql_blocking as post_graphql, GraphQLQuery};
+use crate::types::{DateTime, Issue, PullRequest, HTML, URI};
+const API_URL: &str = "";
+type Cursor = String;
+pub struct Github {
+ client: reqwest::blocking::Client,
+ owner: String,
+ repo: String,
+ label: String,
+trait ChunkedQuery: GraphQLQuery {
+ type Item;
+ fn change_after(&self, v: Self::Variables, after: Option<String>) -> Self::Variables;
+ fn set_batch(&self, batch: i64, v: Self::Variables) -> Self::Variables;
+ fn process(&self, d: Self::ResponseData) -> Result<(Vec<Self::Item>, Option<Cursor>)>;
+#[derive(Debug, GraphQLQuery)]
+ schema_path = "vendor/",
+ query_path = "src/issues.graphql",
+ response_derives = "Debug",
+ variables_derives = "Clone,Debug"
+pub struct IssuesQuery;
+impl ChunkedQuery for IssuesQuery {
+ type Item = Issue;
+ fn change_after(&self, v: Self::Variables, after: Option<String>) -> Self::Variables {
+ Self::Variables { after, ..v }
+ }
+ fn set_batch(&self, batch: i64, v: Self::Variables) -> Self::Variables {
+ Self::Variables { batch, ..v }
+ }
+ fn process(&self, d: Self::ResponseData) -> Result<(Vec<Self::Item>, Option<Cursor>)> {
+ debug!("rate limits: {:?}", d.rate_limit);
+ let issues = match d.repository {
+ Some(r) => r.issues,
+ None => bail!("query returned no repo"),
+ };
+ // deliberately ignore all nulls. no idea why the schema doesn't make
+ // all of these links mandatory, having them nullable makes no sense.
+ let infos = issues
+ .edges
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter_map(|e| e?.node)
+ .map(|n| Issue {
+ id:,
+ title: n.title,
+ is_open: !n.closed,
+ body: n.body_html,
+ last_update: n.updated_at,
+ url: n.url,
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let cursor = if issues.page_info.has_next_page {
+ issues.page_info.end_cursor
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Ok((infos, cursor))
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, GraphQLQuery)]
+ schema_path = "vendor/",
+ query_path = "src/pulls.graphql",
+ response_derives = "Debug",
+ variables_derives = "Clone,Debug"
+pub struct PullsQuery {
+ since: Option<DateTime>,
+impl ChunkedQuery for PullsQuery {
+ type Item = PullRequest;
+ fn change_after(&self, v: Self::Variables, after: Option<String>) -> Self::Variables {
+ Self::Variables { after, ..v }
+ }
+ fn set_batch(&self, batch: i64, v: Self::Variables) -> Self::Variables {
+ Self::Variables { batch, ..v }
+ }
+ fn process(&self, d: Self::ResponseData) -> Result<(Vec<Self::Item>, Option<Cursor>)> {
+ debug!("rate limits: {:?}", d.rate_limit);
+ let prs = match d.repository {
+ Some(r) => r.pull_requests,
+ None => bail!("query returned no repo"),
+ };
+ // deliberately ignore all nulls. no idea why the schema doesn't make
+ // all of these links mandatory, having them nullable makes no sense.
+ let infos: Vec<PullRequest> = prs
+ .edges
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter_map(|e| e?.node)
+ .map(|n| PullRequest {
+ id:,
+ title: n.title,
+ is_open: !n.closed,
+ is_merged: n.merged,
+ body: n.body_html,
+ last_update: n.updated_at,
+ url: n.url,
+ base_ref: n.base_ref_name,
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let cursor = match (self.since, infos.last()) {
+ (Some(since), Some(last)) if last.last_update < since => None,
+ _ => {
+ if prs.page_info.has_next_page {
+ prs.page_info.end_cursor
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((infos, cursor))
+ }
+impl Github {
+ pub fn new(api_token: &str, owner: &str, repo: &str, label: &str) -> Result<Self> {
+ use reqwest::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue, AUTHORIZATION};
+ let headers = match HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("Bearer {}", api_token)) {
+ Ok(h) => [(AUTHORIZATION, h)].into_iter().collect::<HeaderMap>(),
+ Err(e) => bail!("invalid API token: {}", e),
+ };
+ let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
+ .user_agent(format!(
+ "{}/{}",
+ env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"),
+ ))
+ .default_headers(headers)
+ .build()?;
+ Ok(Github {
+ client,
+ owner: owner.to_string(),
+ repo: repo.to_string(),
+ label: label.to_string(),
+ })
+ }
+ fn query_raw<Q>(&self, q: Q, mut vars: <Q as GraphQLQuery>::Variables) -> Result<Vec<Q::Item>>
+ where
+ Q: ChunkedQuery + Debug,
+ Q::Variables: Clone + Debug,
+ {
+ let mut result = vec![];
+ let max_batch = 100;
+ let mut batch = max_batch;
+ loop {
+ vars = q.set_batch(batch, vars);
+ debug!("running query {:?} with {:?}", q, vars);
+ let started = chrono::Local::now();
+ let resp = post_graphql::<Q, _>(&self.client, API_URL, vars.clone())?;
+ let ended = chrono::Local::now();
+ // queries may time out. if that happens throttle the query once and try
+ // again, if that fails too we fail for good.
+ let resp = match resp.errors {
+ None => {
+ // time limit is 10 seconds. if we're well under that, increase
+ // the batch size again.
+ if batch != max_batch && ended - started < Duration::seconds(8) {
+ batch = (batch + batch / 10 + 1).min(max_batch);
+ info!("increasing batch size to {}", batch);
+ }
+ resp
+ }
+ Some(e) if batch > 1 && e.iter().all(|e| e.message.contains("timeout")) => {
+ warn!("throttling query due to timeout error: {:?}", e);
+ // anything larger than 1 seems to be unreliable here
+ batch = 1;
+ info!("new batch size: {}", batch);
+ continue;
+ }
+ Some(e) => bail!("query failed: {:?}", e),
+ };
+ match {
+ Some(d) => {
+ let (mut items, cursor) = q.process(d)?;
+ result.append(&mut items);
+ match cursor {
+ None => break,
+ cursor => vars = q.change_after(vars, cursor),
+ }
+ }
+ None => bail!("query returned no data"),
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ pub fn query_issues(&self, since: Option<DateTime>) -> Result<Vec<Issue>> {
+ self.query_raw(
+ IssuesQuery,
+ issues_query::Variables {
+ owner: self.owner.clone(),
+ name: self.repo.clone(),
+ label: self.label.clone(),
+ after: None,
+ since,
+ batch: 100,
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn query_pulls(&self, since: Option<DateTime>) -> Result<Vec<PullRequest>> {
+ self.query_raw(
+ PullsQuery { since },
+ pulls_query::Variables {
+ owner: self.owner.clone(),
+ name: self.repo.clone(),
+ label: self.label.clone(),
+ after: None,
+ batch: 100,
+ },
+ )
+ }